Kreativ café i Allerød


Kig ind forbi til en kreativ stund, hvor du kan male på mange forskellige keramik emner, alt imens du hygger dig med venner og familie.


Vi holder vinterferie fra og med fredag d. 24. Januar til og med fredag d. 7. Februar 2025

Kreativitet, fordybelse, sjov og hygge

Træd ind i vores cafés afslappende atmosfære, hvor vi kombinerer sjov, hygge og kreativ udfoldelse. Hos os handler det om at male keramik og have det sjovt imens. Uanset om du ønsker at slippe din indre Picasso løs eller om du blot ønsker, at koble af og være kreativ, så er Creatime det helt rette sted for dig.
Vi har alt det grej, du skal bruge, og vi står altid klar til at hjælpe dig godt igang. 

Så tag dine kære med, eller kom selv forbi. Vi lover masser af grin, kreative øjeblikke og god stemning.

Based on 9 reviews
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Iben Schmidt Jensen
11:37 23 Nov 24
Very cozy place with plenty of space and peace to immerse yourself and be creative together. Really good service, help and instruction in the various painting techniques - we were even allowed to stay 1/2 hour extra (sometimes it is difficult to finish your creative project).
Pernille Frederiksen
07:47 19 Nov 24
Naya Svane
12:11 17 Nov 24
It is a really nice place with lots of opportunities to paint ceramics for both young and old.It's such nice and helpful people who run the place and they share tips and tricks and great techniques.
Simon James Jensen
15:13 10 Nov 24
No food but drinks and plenty of subjects to paint on. Good place for creative children and adults.
Birgitte Bork
06:51 08 Oct 24
Dina at Creatime Cafe is extremely sweet and good with children, so if you want to stop by and have a footprint made of your little new baby, make Christmas presents for the grandparents or just have fun with the kids during the autumn holidays, I would definitely recommend that you drop by in past Creatime and painted ceramics!And yes, there is both a changing table, play corner, space for prams indoors and coffee! Perfect combination for parents with small children 😊And yes, I would certainly stop by without children just because Dina creates a cozy and welcoming atmosphere!
Pia Kruuse
14:49 21 Sep 24
Super nice place. Lovely atmosphere and Dina is fantastically sweet and very helpful. A good place for an event.
Maria S.
11:33 17 Sep 24
Really really cozy place. You can sit down here and relax while painting whatever ceramic of your own choice. The owner here too is really sweet and loves to help people. 🌸
Aviv Nassiri
07:48 16 Jul 24
Such a calm place to hang out and create ceramics. They offer many ceramic items and every color glaze you can think of. You can have a seat and paint calmly, a great way to have fun and relax.
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